Saturday, September 8, 2012

I Should be Writing Every Day

Last "night" I stayed up until 5 in the morning watching clips from scary movies on YouTube. I thought, for some reason, that I had lost my taste for things macabre and unnecessarily gory. I watched a long series of bits and pieces from the Hellraiser series, Paranormal Activity 3 (which is hilarious, by the by), classic slasher and monster flicks, and a wonderful series by a YouTuber named TheSpringwoodSlasher called "Remembering". In each of the "Remembering" videos The Slasher has put together a great montage of clips from each movie and set it to an appropriate song. The series introduced me to some great B movies that I had never heard of before and also reminded me of some of the more esoteric roots of the tropes we are all familiar with today. I spent an hour researching the back story and costumes of Alien and learning all about the Space Jockey and LV-426. I miss horror, and I'm coming back in a big way. Time to delve into that Netflix playlist I made for myself and begin my horror education anew.

A few weeks ago I was at dinner with some new friends and the subject of horror movies cropped up. I went on a rant as I usually do about this and that. This time it was about Cronenberg's Videodrome and the societal implications that can be derived from it. I guess that I sounded like I knew what the hell I was talking about because one of my dining compatriots asked me if I was studying film. It felt unduly gratifying and sparked a train of thought with which I am still struggling: I should be writing every day.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting blog, though I noticed you haven't posted anything in a while...
